
What Is a Recreation?

Trese pours her heart and soul into each work of art she creates, and it is essential to her that anyone who resonates with one of her pieces become its rightful owner if they so desire. For this reason, we offer a service called recreation commission. Simply put, if you find yourself looking to purchase a painting that is not available for whatever reason, you can contact us and request a recreation of that painting.

Paintings That Are Unavailable For Purchase:

Which Means They Qualify For A Recreation Commission

If any of these pieces speak to you, contact us for a Recreation Commission today!


To request a recreation, you need to compose an email to send to the email address: In the email, please include the following details:
– The subject line should have the name of the painting you are requesting a recreation of.
– The body of the email should specify your preferences with regards to the following:
1. Canvas Form: Flat or Stretched
2. Dimensions: 5×7, 8×10, 9×12, 11×14, 12×16, 16×20


While the process of pricing an original Trese Judd painting is a little more complex, based on the size, time spent, and materials used, the base process of pricing a recreation goes strictly by the dimensions.


Our service of commissioning a painting involves payment in the form of an invoice, which we will send to your email address. Our company utilizes PayPal for all our invoicing needs. To ensure a transparent process, we will discuss the pricing with you beforehand to come to an agreement. Once the painting is completed, we will send you an invoice that includes a “make payment” button within the email. All you need to do is enter your card information and select the pay button. As soon as we receive your payment, we will ship the painting to you on the following business day. Thank you for choosing us for your painting needs, and we look forward to working with you.