Trese Judd Art


Terry Masters

Terry Masters - The Desert Painter, My Brother, and also my inspiration

Intro - A Tribute To My Brother

Terry Masters was an accomplished plein-air oil painter. His extraordinary talent earned him many ribbons and accolades. Before dedicating his life to art, he had a career in radio. He stood tall at six-foot-five-inches, with a sonorous voice tailor-made for radio. But to me, he was my younger brother. Terry was an incredible man, son, brother, and uncle. This is my tribute to him and the exceptional talent he left behind.

My Greatest Inspiration

I am deeply honored to dedicate this page to my beloved brother, Terry. He was an extraordinary individual who played a significant role in shaping my creative soul. I was lucky enough to witness his remarkable talent blossom over the years and was so inspired by his passion, hard work, and dedication to the art of painting. Terry’s ability to capture the beauty of nature and translate it onto canvas was nothing short of amazing. It was an incredible privilege to spend time with him and learn from him, with each moment spent together providing my artistic journey with a profound sense of direction and an unwavering sense of purpose. I am eternally grateful for his influence on my life, as it has undoubtedly contributed to shaping the person and artist I am today.

Artistic Mind

Terry’s art was, in many ways, a reflection of his kind and generous spirit – a true embodiment of the beauty and wonder of the world in which we live. He valued light, the way it danced across the sky and reflected off every surface, occasionally transforming the appearance of familiar places in the desert area he called home. He recounted instances when locations he passed by every day would suddenly captivate him with their astounding beauty, simply because the natural sunlight illuminated them in a way he had never seen before.

Success Story

My brother’s extraordinary talent and dedication awarded him some truly remarkable success. His passion for creating art had been recognized not just by his peers but by numerous prestigious organizations that honored him with various awards and accolades. His participation in multiple art festivals showcased his creativity and skill to a wider audience, earning him even more praise and recognition. Furthermore, his work has been featured prominently in several reference books, cementing his place as a significant figure in the art world and insuring his passion lives on. As a co-founder of the desert chapter of the California Art Club, he had not only contributed greatly to the community but had also been recognized as a “Signature Artist” within the club, which is an incredible achievement.

The role he cherished most, however, was instructing at the Desert Art Center. Those who took his classes adored him and greatly appreciated his unique gift in teaching others how to paint. He truly touched the lives of anyone and everyone who had the pleasure of knowing and loving him.

In Loving Memory

The world lost a beautiful and brilliant soul on Christmas Day of 2021. Luckily, art is eternal and through his artwork, Terry Masters will live on forever.

To learn more about Terry Masters in general, you can visit his website at

To learn about the annual art scholarship in Terry’s name, click here.

Original Painting by Terry Masters
© Terry Masters Original Painting