Trese Judd Art


Photo of artist Trese Judd.
Trese Judd's signature

Trese is a passionate artist who has a deep appreciation for the artistic journey. Trese believes that an artist’s journey is never complete, and she continuously seeks new knowledge and experiences to expand her skills and creativity. Through her insightful blog posts, she shares her expertise and inspires others to develop their passion for art. Trese is a warm and engaging person who uses her art to connect with others and touch their lives. Her ultimate goal is to inspire people to find their own creative muse and discover the joy and freedom that can come from painting.

King of the Mountaintops | Original Acrylic Wall Art by Trese Judd | Inspired by "Morning Glory" by Diego Hernandez

Early Life & Marriage

Trese Judd Yearbook Photo

Trese Judd (born Theresa “Trese” Masters) was born on August 29, 1950, in Sacramento, California, just eight minutes after her life-long best friend and twin sister, Linda Masters. Though the first sixteen years of her life were spent in the  golden state’s capital, her fate was to be decided in Palm Springs, California. That is where she would find her soulmate and life partner, Dennis Judd. With him she shares a bond that has only grown closer over their remarkable 54-year marriage.

Becoming A Mom

Trese and Dennis desired a large family but couldn’t conceive naturally. After eight years of trying, they adopted a baby girl named Roberta. She was an answer to their prayers and brought them so much joy. Unfortunately, their efforts to adopt a second baby failed due to their age. However, fate intervened when Trese miraculously became pregnant with their second daughter, Andie, at the age of forty. Trese was a devoted stay-at-home mom who focused on raising her two daughters above all else. Her daughters describe her as a “supermom”.

Finding Her Passion

Judd’s passion for art bloomed a little later in life. She started painting at the age of 30, primarily as a hobby. Despite being busy with motherhood, she managed to perfect her art by slowly immersing herself into it. Her patience, dedication, and creativity are evident in each piece she creates. Her works are known for their attention to detail, use of subtle tones, and the emotional depth that each subject exudes.

Awards & Accomplishments

Trese’s passion for art has been a beloved hobby that she has maintained for many years. Despite prioritizing her roles as a wife and devoted mother, she has managed to gift her artwork to family and friends, selling a few paintings along the way. Her reputation as a skilled artist grew, leading to her being hired for not one, but two large-scale mural projects. One project was located in a vacation home belonging to one of her husband’s customers. For the other, Trese traded her artwork for her daughter’s orthodontic treatment, painting a mural in the orthodontist’s office. Her artwork has received recognition, earning her a 3rd place ribbon at an art festival. Unfortunately, photographs of these works are currently unavailable or of poor quality.