Trese Judd Art
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Light and Shadow in Art

Introduction As a painter, I have always been fascinated by the interplay of light and shadow. It is more than just a technical tool for creating depth and dimension. More importantly, it’s a language that speaks to our emotions, our…

Acrylic Painting Techniques

Acrylic painting is a popular medium among artists due to its versatility and vibrant colors. With the right techniques, acrylic paint can be used to create a wide range of effects, from smooth and blended to textured and layered.

The Artistic Journey

Art has always been a powerful medium for self-expression, allowing artists to communicate their thoughts, emotions, and perspectives in unique and captivating ways. It is a form of storytelling that transcends language barriers, connecting individuals from different walks of life.…

Inspiration vs. Motivation: Knowing the Difference

In our pursuit of personal and professional growth, we often come across the terms "inspiration" and "motivation." While these two words are often used interchangeably, they represent distinct concepts that play different roles in our lives. Understanding the difference between…

Copyright Law: Using Photos for Reproduction

In today's digital age, it is easier than ever to access and share photographs. However, it is important to remember that photographs are protected by copyright law, which means that they cannot be used without the owner's permission. This includes…

Understanding Fair Use in Art

In the world of art and creativity, it is important for artists, designers, and creators to have a sound understanding of fair use. This concept plays a significant role in determining what can be used from copyrighted materials without infringing…

Photo by Scott Vandehey, "Obama - Hope Poster" (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0) via Flickr

In the art world, copyright infringement can be a contentious issue. Artists rely on copyright protection to safeguard their creative works and prevent unauthorized use or reproduction. However, there have been numerous cases throughout history where artists, both intentionally and…

Copyright vs. Creative Commons

If you're an artist or creator, you've probably heard of the terms "Copyright" and "Creative Commons" (CC) before. These two concepts may seem similar, but they are actually very different and can greatly impact your art.

The Evolution of Brushstrokes Throughout History

Painting is a medium with a rich and complex history, a creative journey spanning centuries across cultures and continents. At each stage of this artistic evolution, brushstroke techniques have played an integral role in shaping the art form's style and…

Combining Various Brushstroke Techniques

Introduction: Combining Brushstroke Techniques Experimenting with different brushstroke techniques can help you create paintings that are dynamic and visually engaging. One way to accomplish this is by combining contrasting brushstrokes to create a painting with depth and texture. By varying…

Brushstroke Direction In Your Artwork

Mastering brushstroke technique is essential to create stunning, layered artwork. In addition to varying the thickness and application of strokes, the direction of brushstrokes can also have a significant impact on the overall look of your painting. In this blog…

Combining Technique & Color Theory

Color and brushstrokes are two fundamental elements in any work of art. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist, it's essential to have a good understanding of color theory and a grasp on brushstroke techniques.

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