Trese Judd Art


An analogous color scheme is a color scheme that uses colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel. This includes combinations such as blues, greens, and purples. As well as, reds, oranges, and yellows. These colors are considered to have a close relationship and create a harmonious effect when used together.

Analogous color schemes are often used by artists to capture the subtle variations of light and color in paintings.

The Advantages of Purchasing An Artwork Created in An Analogous Color Scheme:

  • It can create a sense of cohesion, tranquility, and relaxation in your chosen space.
  • It can reflect the natural beauty of scenes such as water, sunsets, animals, and the sky.
  • It can produce a stimulations shimmer that pleases the eye, especially when using high-key (light) colors.

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